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Adolfo Mcque

Born 1949, 10 May, Died January 2017

Artwork by Adolfo Mcque

120cm x 90cm

R 17,985

Adolfo Mcque - Reflective Puddle

120cm x 90cm

R 17,985

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About the Artist

“In my paintings I try to represent my emotional response to reality, to paint the feelings generated while observing a landscape, human figure or event ~ emotions and feelings that gain strength and form during the time spent painting, unlike photography which reflects a split second of reality only.

I like to paint subjects to which I am attached in some way and which generate strong emotion, allowing me to retreat into the “studio of the mind” where time does not exist, achieving a state of intense concentration where only emotional context, line, colour, texture, drawing, and composition matter, escaping the mundane chores of everyday life.

Painting the landscape outdoors is one of my great loves and offers the perfect door into the “studio of the mind”.

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